Tips to Get Used to Metal Braces

When you get metal braces in Fort Meyers, FL, it may take some time to get used to them. Even knowing that the payoff for wearing the braces will be phenomenal, it can be hard living with metal braces day to day. Here are some expert tips to get used to them.

Start With Soft Foods

In the first few days after you’ve had your braces put on, your teeth and mouth may be more sensitive and tender than usual. During this time, it’s good to start with soft foods, so you can prepare ahead of time by having these foods available to you:

  • ice cream or healthy faux ice cream
  • soups
  • stews
  • mashed potatoes
  • creamed vegetables (easy to prepare in a blender)
  • yogurt
  • smoothies
  • green juices
  • bananas (cut into slices)
  • puddings

Basically, soft foods that don’t require a lot of chewing work best.

Take Selfies

It’s actually helpful to take some selfies so you can practice smiling or whatever new “look” you want to adopt in photos. This will help you to feel more self-confident so you don’t feel like you have to cover your mouth when you smile or speak in public.

Let Others Get Used to Them

The more you look at anything, the more accustomed you get to it. It’s the same way with your friends and peers at school. Yes, the first time they see you with metal braces they may be surprised or comment on them. But if you just act like they’re nothing special and go about your day, in a day or so everyone will be so used to seeing them they’ll barely notice them.

Focus on the Positives

Whenever you start feeling down about having to wear braces, think about how amazing your teeth are going to look afterward. You’ll be able to enjoy gorgeous, well-aligned teeth for the rest of your life after just a short time wearing braces. It’s definitely worth it!

Finally, remember that many teens and even adults have to wear braces. You’re not alone, and your Fort Meyers, FL dentist is here to help. Contact us anytime for more helpful tips on getting used to braces.

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