Best and Worst Foods For Braces

If you’re new tobraces Cape Coral, FL, there are some important things to know. Not only do you need to care for your teeth while you’re wearing braces; you also need to be mindful about which foods and drinks you consume while undergoing this orthodontic treatment. Regarding your diet, here are the best and worst foods for braces.

Best Foods For Braces

This list of the best foods for braces won’t bring your teeth into proper alignment any faster, but they will help to satisfy your hunger without jeopardizing the health of your teeth or damaging your braces.

Soft Fruits and Vegetables

Al dente may be the trendy way to cook vegetables, but if you’re wearing braces, you’ll want to cook your veggies a little bit longer. Veggies should be soft, not crunchy, so avoid eating raw vegetables like carrots and celery. As for fruits, opt for things like bananas, berries and melons. It may be best to skip apples for the time being, unless you cook and puree them into an applesauce.

Dairy Products

Dairy products are find for wearers of braces. Just be aware that soft cheeses like Asiago and Brie can get stuck in the braces. You may have to brush a little bit harder to ensure that braces and teeth are clean after eating.

Lean Proteins

Soft-cooked chicken, fish and eggs are great sources of lean protein that also happen to be gentle on your braces. These options are easy to chew and won’t damage your orthodontic appliances.

Worst Foods For Braces

Some of the foods below are on the list because they are too hard to get out of braces, while others are on the list because they could damage braces.

Hard and Crunchy Foods

Foods like nuts, popcorn, hard candies, and ice can damage braces by bending wires or breaking brackets. It’s best to avoid these items to prevent any setbacks in your orthodontic treatment.

Sticky and Chewy Foods

Sticky foods like caramel, taffy, and gummy candies can get stuck in your braces, making them difficult to clean and increasing the risk of cavities. Chewy foods like bagels and licorice can also pull on brackets and wires.

YourCape Coral, FL orthodontist wants your braces to be a success. Try to follow the above recommendations as much as possible to avoid complications in your orthodontic treatment.

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